The construction industry is lacking in automation & innovation

The construction industries lags all other industries in technological change, What does the future hold?

The construction industry has been around since the beginning of time, and it has evolved to become one of the most important industries in the world. However, despite the advancements in technology in various sectors, the construction industry still lags in technology adoption.In this article, we will explore some of the ways in which technology lacks in the construction industry.

Lack of Automation

Automation is a key aspect of technology in various sectors. However, in the construction industry, automation is still lacking. Many construction processes are still done manually, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and delays. For instance, subcontractor comparisons and budgeting at many major firms is still undertaken using tools such as excel.

Poor Integration of Technology

The construction industry involves different stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and suppliers. However, these stakeholders often work in different worlds with what is possible between onsite and offsite, which makes it difficult to integrate technology into the construction process. For example, architects may use BIM(Building Information Modelling) software to design a building, but this software may not be compatible with the software used by the contractor to construct the building.

Another one of the biggest challenges facing the construction industry is the lack of integration between different software systems. Many construction companies use a variety of software tools for different functions, such as project management, scheduling, accounting, and design. However, these systems often operate in isolation from one another, which can lead to data dead ends, duplication of effort, and increased risk of errors.

Inadequate Data Management

Data is essential in the construction industry, from the initial design stage to the final construction stage.However, the construction industry lacks a standardised data management system.This means that data is often lost, misplaced, or duplicated, leading to inefficiencies and errors. Poor document control, budgeting and finance management have been the key drivers in major losses on projects that main contractors experience.


While the construction industry has made significant strides in recent years with the adoption of new technology and innovative software, there are still areas where it lags behind. Some of the ways in which the construction industry lacks in innovative software include:

Poor Collaboration

Another issue that hinders innovation in the construction industry is the lack of collaboration between different stakeholders. This includes designers, contractors, suppliers, and clients.Without effective collaboration tools and processes, it can be challenging to share information and work together efficiently.

Outdated Tools (software developed in the 80's)

Many construction companies continue to rely on outdated tools and processes, such as spreadsheets, paper-based documents, and manual data entry. These methods are time-consuming, error-prone, and can limit the ability of companies to leverage data to improve decision-making. Some of the construction programs that are available in the construction industry were established in the 1980s which makes the software outdated, old, slow and redundant in many ways.

Resistance to Change

Finally, the construction industry has traditionally been slow to adopt new technology and processes. This is partly due to the complexity of construction projects and the high level of risk involved. As a result, many companies are hesitant to invest in new software tools without clear evidence of their value and benefits.

Overall, while there are certainly areas ofinnovation within the construction industry, there is still a lot of room forimprovement in terms of software adoption and integration. Companies that areable to overcome these challenges and embrace new technologies are likely to bemore competitive and successful in the long run.

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